The Product Manager Club
Product management resources for learning and growing your skills!
'Cracking the PM interview' book
Cracking the PM interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell and Jackie Bavaro is one of the holy grails of learning about product management and preparing for interviews. In this book, the authors cover all the basics about the product manager role, its variations across different companies, resumes, and interview prep. It is a must-read for product management aspirants and product managers early in their journey.
'Decode and Conquer' book
This book by Lewis C. Lin is tactical in nature and discusses common product management interview question types. Decode and Conquer does not focus too much on the product management role and its variations across companies. However, it is a better source as a step-by-step guide on answering interview question types like product design, new market entry, pricing, metrics, tradeoffs, estimation, technical, and vision. If you are preparing for a product management interview and want a no-frills approach, go straight to Decode and Conquer.